Here at Austin, checked in and comfortable after a BBQ dinner at Ironworks. Flights were painless – although the commuter hop from Houston to Austin was more like slam-dancing. Very bumpy, turns out the weather got worse too because later flights were cancelled coming into parts of Texas. Got kind of lucky, I’d say, bumpy or not. SXSWi starts tomorrow, so I’ll be doing the badge pickup, registration, etc. in the morning. Might head to a local mall here to pick up a couple of tech things (need a CF card reader, for example) but nothing really happens until about 5pm, when Zeldman and the Happy Cog crew will be talking about getting respect as a web designer. Could be entertaining. Then it’s on to the first of what are probably many parties, this one called Mix at Six. A meet and greet basically. Probably go to see Second Skin after that, a geek movie premiere. Then depending on the status of my interactive badge, I’m hoping to get into the Film Opening Party – doubt it tho ;).
I will join the no doubt dozens of others that will be blogging about this event. Being my first one, however, perhaps I’ll have a slightly different perspective. Probably just the perspective of wondering where to go and what to do next…
Northern Voice 2008 is a “personal blogging and social media conference” held annually at the UBC Forestry building. It is a opportunity for the community to get together in either break-outs (Friday) or structured presentations (Saturday). Lots of representation from commercial sponsors (including some that I’d rather weren’t… not mentioning any names but they sound like wamcity ;)). Looking forward to Photocamp from Kris Krug, should be today but not sure when. Also very interested in Matt Mullenweg’s presentation tomorrow. Matt is the founder of WordPress and is apparently an excellent speaker.
Like the rest of them, I will try to blog as we go. UBC Wireless is up (I’m there now, duh) so as long as the rest of the posters don’t hog the bandwidth I’ll be able to :p.
Duane Storey has just posted about an idea that looks great – put a bunch of large brains together in a room, mush them together to make one GIANT brain and take a concept from seed to fruit in a single weekend. He’s calling it Beer Camp 2008 and it sounds like a great place to collaborate, recharge and be creative. Sounds like a perfect way to spend 3 days with no sleep (well, one that doesn’t involve poker at least), and something people might write about later as “the place where it all started” ;)
We can dream, right? Click over to Duane’s blog and read all about Beer Camp 2008.